Safeway Scaffolding in Birmingham

New Users
0 %
+ 0 %
Organic Traffic
+ 0 %

The Objective

Safeway Scaffolding came to us in 2017, looking for an SEO agency which could help them rank across two cities – Birmingham and Coventry. With one core service being delivered by them, the aim was to increase their visibility for this service across the commercial and domestic sectors.

Safeway Scaffolding wanted to set themselves apart from their competitors and demonstrate their capabilities to carry out work in various environments.

To ensure the content on the website satisfied the search intent of the user and remained in-line with the latest optimisation practices, we performed a content overhaul across each page. We have worked with Safeway Scaffolding since 2017, and throughout this time, it has been imperative for us to make strategical amendments to the onsite copy in order to support and maintain the strong rankings gained.

In addition to on-page optimisation, we utilised the creation of tailored blog content which served to help garner increased volumes of traffic to the site, whilst asserting Safeway Scaffolding as knowledgeable industry leaders.

Our onsite optimisation techniques were complemented with offsite work which focused on ensuring information about the client online was consistent, correct and informative.

The Results

When we compare the analytics data for Safeway Scaffolding, analysing figures from the start of the campaign to the present, we can see a dramatic increase in organic traffic, registering at +241.18%.

We have achieved keyword rankings across the board for Safeway Scaffolding, covering Birmingham and Coventry, alongside consistent map rankings for their local area.

Data garnered from Google Analytics also shows us that page views on the site have increased, showcasing how much more engaged users are with the website since the beginning of the campaign.

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