Facebook Ads vs Instagram Ads – Which is Better?

Learn about Instagram and Facebook ads and discover which one could work best for your business.
What Is the Difference Between SEO and Paid Advertising?
Within the world of digital marketing, businesses are spoilt for choice when it comes to ways of promoting their products or services. Two of the biggest strategies are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Paid Advertising. They both have a common goal: to boost your brand’s visibility, drive traffic, and rake in those precious sales. However, […]
How To Fine Tune Your SEO and PPC Efforts
We have previously discussed how SEO and PPC can work together to achieve better results. However, we’d like to delve even deeper into the topic of how SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) can work together. While SEO and PPC don’t directly influence or impact each other, you can use PPC data to influence […]
How PPC and SEO Can Work Together
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) are often seen as two separate, and potentially mutually exclusive options within the sphere of digital marketing. However, when used together they can be exceedingly complementary. How? Well, utilising SEO and PPC strategies together means that your company can have more visibility in the SERPs, your PPC will […]
Another New Favourite Colour: ‘Google Adverts’ Badge Has Gone Green
My seemingly unending curiosity for Google’s minute changes has once again been piqued. I’m largely confident that my long-suffering colleagues are now getting a sore head from my constant bleating about colour changes, thicker lines, and auto-complete scandals; and so I’ve done what any conscientious person would do: I’ve stopped bothering them and have decided […]
But Why Has Google Gone Goth, and What Is A/B Testing, Anyway?
Google has done it again. Another change has been rolled out, although admittedly this one has only been implemented for some users, and everyone is panicking. For once, though, it’s not just us digital marketers that are metaphorically taking to the streets with placards, screaming: ‘Why would you change? We thought we knew you!’ This […]