Web 3.0

Web 3.0 represents the next stage of the internet. Key concepts include decentralisation, privacy and speed.

We've started collating some useful information throughout our website to help you keep up to date with any changes:


Looking to market your cryptocurrency? Look no further. Active Internet Marketing (UK) has over 30 years of experience across the organisation.


Learn more about what can be achieved with recent advances in blockchain technology. From 2017 to 2020, the demand for Blockchain increased by almost 2000%

Decentralised Browsing

Decentralised browsing is one of the cornerstones of Web 3.0. Click through to to discover more about some of the browsers themselves, and learn more about marketing in the world of Web 3.0

How we help your business

Our heavy investment in research and development means we're always ahead, so you will be too. Google's algorithms, your competitor's tactics, the latest social media changes - we're on top of it all.