London Morgan in London

+ 0 %
Position 1 Rankings
0 %

The Objective

London Morgan are the most prominently placed Morgan Motor Company dealership in the country and yet, when they came to us, they did not even have a website. London Morgan wanted an online presence to match the deep heritage of the Morgan brand whilst also showcasing the forward-thinking, innovative heart of everything Morgan represents, whilst establishing themselves as an acclaimed dealership.It was imperative that London Morgan could be found instantly by their target market – which is a fairly transient target. This presented a unique challenge that we were keen to take on head-first to achieve the great results they deserved.

Crucially, we oversaw and aided in the final build stages and launch of the new website. We also ensured resources were allocated for ongoing technical SEO work to maintain the vast e-commerce website. This included continual improvements to keep the website up to date with the latest digital developments.
Our team created brand new content for the website with the very latest in SEO techniques, to ensure strong local rankings. This was coupled with an extensive content marketing strategy which was worked on with Michael Jones Jeweller, in order to promote relevant products for the stores whilst also expanding their longtail keyword rankings.

The Results

We’ve had a wealth of successes with London Morgan, above and beyond our initial goals. Aside from our successes in local SEO for London Morgan, we’ve also enjoyed great results from our content marketing. Our pieces now outrank prestigious websites including the BBC and Top Gear, to become one of the strongest traffic draws to the London Morgan website. Our local SEO strategy has continued to grow their online presence into new target markets, increasing the traffic from roughly 3,000 in January to October of 2016, to now nearly 13,000 website hits in the same date range in 2019. Growth has exceeded 200% across all key website metrics including users, sessions and pageviews. This has allowed London Morgan to become a top-performing dealer in the country. Impressions on Google have seen similar leaps, from roughly 500-600 a day, to highs of 8000+ in a single day.

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