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The Objective

As a remote, extreme adventure experience, Bushmasters found it tough to maintain any kind of online presence. Based in the exciting, untouched jungles of Guyana, maintaining a website and a Facebook page was entirely unfeasible, yet it was needed in order for the right people to find out about the extreme survival trips that they offer.

Bushmasters offer a unique experience to people from all over the globe – no matter where you are, if you’re a thrill-seeker and an adventurer then Bushmasters is right for you. They came to us wanting to appear globally to those looking for a once-in-a-lifetime expedition. They needed a new, slick website to showcase their survival trips along with a social media profile where they could share the wealth of photography and experiences that they had collated.

Harnessing the experience of Bushmasters was paramount for us, so we began with rebuilding the website around a visual-lead design. Easy navigation takes you between the trip options, and we ensured there was a dedicated page for the Survival Stories of those who had been before. Whilst building the site, we wrote optimised copy that would get them noticed around the globe, for a strong international SEO strategy, with a content marketing strategy to complement this.
Sharing stories was something we wanted to harness for Bushmasters, so Facebook was the social media platform of choice.

The Results

Our focus on global rankings successfully draws in website traffic from a range of countries, including a strong traffic base in the United States – which is often our top traffic source. We’re also ranking Bushmasters in nearly 200 other countries including India, Canada, France, Germany and more.

We outrank even the toughest competition, including the Guyana Tourism Board itself, and Bear Grylls Survival Academy. Our content marketing has seen similar success; our in-depth articles are outranking a number of well-known sites, including BuzzFeed, The Telegraph, and National Geographic.

Through Facebook, we have achieved organic reach of over 3000+ on posts. Through a mix of regular postings, competitions, and engagement, we’ve consistently grown the Bushmasters Facebook community whilst regularly achieving reach figures far above their direct following.

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